Key information & links

Arrangements for returning to school in January 2022

Letter to parents: arrangements for returning to school after the holidays


COVID-19 & Young People letter from the Department for Education (DfE 11th October 2021)
Guidance for parents: COVID-19 vaccination programme for young people
Guidance for young people: COVID-19 vaccinations
FAQs COVID-19 vaccines for 12-15 year olds


Mask exemption form

Home testing

Students should continue to regularly test for Covid-19 at home using lateral flow tests provided by the school. Students have received training on how to use these kits.Ā  Testing plays an important role in keeping all students, staff and members of our community safe.

If you would like to order further tests for your family, this can be done via the GOV.UK website
Order lateral flow tests

Risk assessments

Please click here for Rokeby’s (NCST cross-Trust) COVID-19 risk assessment (January 2022)

Please click here for Rokeby’s Summary of Operational Guidance for September 2021

Please click here for a letter regarding arrangements for returning to school in September 2021

For any queries, please email any queries to

Thank you for your cooperation.

Remote Learning: Information for Parents & Carers

Please click here for information on remote learning at Rokeby.

Google Classroom

To log into Google Classroom you need to do the following:

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Sign in using your 316 name and add
  • You will then be asked to sign in to the LGFL USO page as normal
  • Click on Google Apps and select Classroom
  • Join a class using the class code or just click to join

This video might help

If you need help, please email your class teacher, your form tutor or

How you can access a live lesson

Click here to see this graphic in more detail.


During this current pandemic it is important to look after your mental wellbeing. The information below provides useful links.

Click here for further details on mental health support service for young people.

Life has changed for all of us for a while. This may be causing some people to feel anxious, stressed or worried. There are some simple things we can do to look after ourselves. The NHS has published 10 tips for taking care of your mental health during these uncertain times. Available in English, Polish, Russian, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Romanian, Romani, and Somali