Mental Health & Wellbeing
Rokeby is committed to supporting students’ emotional and mental health. Staff take part in an extensive supervision programme to support adults in supporting our students. We are proud to have been awarded silver status for the Carnegie Centre of Excellence ‘School Mental Health Award’. We received this award in recognition of our work to promote a culture in which students and staff feel valued, supported and able to share concerns when they arise.
We promote this culture through:
- High quality teaching and student support;
- Positive interactions between staff, students and home;
- A pastoral support system which includes: form tutors, year teams, safeguarding leads, behaviour mentors and student support officers.
- Extensive liaison with external services to ensure that students receive the support they need;
- An embedded PSHE and RSHE curriculum which is constantly reviewed and updated to reflect students’ needs;
- Assemblies and registration activities which focus on all aspects of well-being including mental health;
- Sharing information with families, via our school media, on the resources and organisations available to support young people’s mental health;
- Staff training to assist in identifying mental health warning signs and best practice strategies.
Mental Health Award Final Assessment Report
Mental Health & Wellbeing at Rokeby
Useful links:
Click on the links below for further information on support services for young people.
- Kooth-Poster
- Mental Health & Wellbeing Hotlines
- Kooth sign up instructions-Newham
- Mindfulness Beginners
The NHS has published 10 tips for taking care of your mental health if you are feeling stressed, anxious or worried. There resources are available in a range of languages: English, Polish, Russian, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Romanian, Romani, and Somali