Rokeby’s curriculum promotes core British values and encourages students to engage with the wider world and to think about their place within it.  Throughout both key stages there is a strong emphasis on personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) and on fostering students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC).  Our curriculum is in-line with the government’s new statutory guidance for relationship, sex and health education (RSHE). RSHE Policy April 2024.

Our provision is rich and varied.  We cover a wide range of issues in meaningful and engaging ways that are appropriate to each year group.  This is achieved through both the curriculum, as well as through extended enrichment activities.  Our aim is to support students’ broader personal education by developing well rounded individuals who appreciate right from wrong, who understand their rights as well as their responsibilities, who know how to keep themselves safe and make healthy life choices and who appreciate their worth so they are empowered to realise their full potential.

Key to our provision is:

  • The opportunity for students to actively engage in the democratic process through positions of student leadership and participation in decision making in school;
  • A varied programme of activities for registrations and assemblies which allows for reflection and discussion on important themes such as diversity, respect, personal accountability and global citizenship.
  • Whole school participation in regular P4C (Philosophy 4 Children) enquiries which promotes informed dialogue on topical citizenship issues and teaches students to respect perspectives different to their own.
  • A meaningful and targeted programme of cross-curricular learning activities (including Talk 2 Learn, P4C, Diversity Month, Humanities Week, Black History Month, European Day of Languages, Refugee Week, Health & Wellbeing Week).
  • We have an established Student Equalities Group leading on active citizenship projects supported by Tender.
  • We have been accredited with the Carnegie Centre of Excellence School Mental Health Award and we are an accredited healthy relationships school.
  • Involvement in local and international charity events which sensitizes students to the world around them and the role they can play in bringing about change.
  • Links with partner schools abroad which fosters a mutual raising of cultural awareness and increased motivation for language learning.
  • A programme of extra-curricular opportunities, from after school clubs to participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award which helps students to build on their strengths outside the classroom.
  • A programme of careers education and guidance (CEIAG) that provides students with the foundation on which to build their future pathways, from their GCSE options, through to their post-16 choices and beyond.
  • Opportunity for all Key Stage 3 students to gain a Personal Finance qualification to ensure they are financially astute and better equipped to manage money responsibly.

A clear provision map that is continually monitored and updated with relevant practices to aid both students and families in achieving a positive mental wellbeing.

Newham RSHE Consultation 2019
Rokeby RSHE Consultation 2021

Rokeby RSHE Consultation Autumn 2023