Our Safeguarding Policy sets out the safeguarding procedures that Rokeby follows to ensure that all our students are safe.

Safeguarding Policy Sept 2023 (Newham Community Learning)

Email: safeguarding@rokeby.ncltrust.net


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):

Ms Black: 0207 540 5620
Email: sarah.black@rokeby.ncltrust.net

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL):

Ms Springfield: 0207 540 5620
Email: paula.springfield@rokeby.ncltrust.net

Safeguarding Officer:

Ms Abdulkadir: 0207 540 5620
Email: mariam.abdulkadir@rokeby.ncltrust.net

Inclusive Education / Safeguarding Link Governor

Ms Khan



Newham Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Nick Pratt / Alex Mihu


0203 373 3803 / 0203 373 6706


Please click on the links below for the latest or relevant information

  1. KCSIE 2023
  2. Prevent Duty